原始主频指默认的主频,turbo Boost 2.8指玩游戏或高CPU负载任务时,CPU自动加速到2.8G 求精英主板nvidia nforce 430(mcp61)的BIOS下载地址,自己怎么找也找不到,官网也没有 你主板型号是什么? nvidia nforce 430(mcp61) 这只是芯片的型号 精英的用这芯片的主板的BIOS我 怎么知道Intel Turbo Boost是否开启? 要确认...
Intel’s Turbo Boost feature works smarter, not harder, to boost your PC's performance. When the CPU detects that it's handling a workload that requires more processing power, it ramps up its clock speed without pushing past the factory safety parameters. This gives you better performance for...
- 英特尔 (intel.cn)Intel Turbo Boost 是 Intel 处理器的一项内置动态加速技术,允许处理器在满足散热和电源条件时,超出其基本频率运行。类似于 PBO,Turbo Boost 会根据工作负载动态调整单个或多个核心的频率,但通常不涉及突破 TDP 限制。最新的 Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 还增加了对最佳核心的识别和优先...
为什么这个turbo boost power max 调完点应用又变回45w了 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2020-02-05 19:44回复 冒泡的小兵 奔腾II 2 来自iPhone客户端2楼2020-02-05 20:57 回复 樂樂宝宝 奔腾586 1 你没保存啊 来自iPhone客户端3楼2022-07-01 15:01 回复 ...
XTU Turbo boost power max not changing Subscribe More actions Gatrap Beginner 08-18-2023 04:45 PM 1,208 Views I have an omen 17 with an i7-13700hx, i installed xtu correctly, but it wont let me change the turbo boost power max setting. I hit apply, and it changes back to...
PL1和PL2提到的挺多,不过一般都叫英文名,在XTU里叫Turbo Boost Power Max(PL1)和Turbo Boost Short Power Max(PL2),两个玩意的中文名大家一般习惯叫啥……直接翻译或者打英文全名是不是挺掉书袋的? 发布于 2022-01-04 23:36 赞同1 分享收藏 ...
Since I started using Intel XTU, I noticed that it changed the "At Boot" value of my processor's Turbo Boost Power Max. As soon as I installed it, its value was 45W, but after a few days of use, that value is now 65W. I tried to reinstall the XTU, reinstall the BIOS, but the...