Turabian Footnotes In order to place note or footnote in aresearch paper writing, place superscript number for each source. Notes are placed with an indent, either as footnote at page’s bottom or as an endnote in conclusion of a document. Nevertheless, one should still implement superscript nu...
Keep in mind that if you cite a different source, you need to use the full shortened structure the next time you cite from a source you have used before. Here’s an example: Robisheaux,Langenburg, 58 Robisheaux, 59. Robisheaux, 70. ...
In Turabian style, you only have to list the whole citation in the footnote the first time you use the source in your paper. After that, you can just list the last name of the author and the page number. Author and page number should be separated by a comma. For example: Smith, 62...
It used to be convention to type two spaces after every period—for example: “Roosevelt’s White House imposed certain rules. The president was never lifted in public. He was never seen in public seated in a wheelchair.” This convention was developed when typewriters were in use; the space...
How to search and manage references with a specific referencing style using google scholar: From Step-by-step Processing for Users to the Practical Example... The objective of this study was to demonstrate an easy way along with a step-by-step process in searching references as well as to ...
quoted material (the interview) as well as any internal quotation marks from the interviewee’s statements (if applicable). Any quoted material within your quote, should be shown in single quotation marks. For example, a direct quote from an interview might be written in your paper as follows...