If the packed objects are assigned to a tuple of names, then the individual objects are unpacked as shown in the diagram below, where you use a tuple of s* variables: Tuple Unpacking Here’s how this unpacking works in Python code: Python >>> s1, s2, s3, s4 = t >>> s1 'foo...
# File "test.py", line 9, in <module> # print tup; #NameError: name 'tup' is not defined[/code] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 五、元组运算符 (https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=2Q3YTfym) 与字符串一样,元组之间可以使用 + 号和 * 号进行...
1a ="python"23b = a.lower()#全部转换成小写45print(b)67b1 = a.upper()#全部转换成大写89print(b1)1011#应用, 校验用户输入的验证码是否合法1213verify_code ="abDe"1415user_verify_code = input("请输入验证码:")1617ifverify_code.upper() ==user_verify_code.upper():1819print("验证成功")2021...
python中数字有四种类型:整数、布尔型、浮点数和复数。 int (整数), 如 1, 只有一种整数类型 int,表示为长整型,没有 python2 中的 Long。 bool (布尔), 如 True。 float (浮点数), 如 1.23、3E-2 complex (复数), 如 1 + 2j、 1.1 + 2.2j ...
Unpacking a tuple in Python is the process by which you can extract the contents of a tuple into separate variables. There are two ways to unpack a tuple: 1. Using the assignment operator. 2. Using the destructuring (*) operator.
print(20 not in tuple1) # False # 字典 - 数据age是否存在 print('age' in dict1) # True print('age' not in dict1) # False print('age' in dict1.keys()) # True print('age' in dict1.values()) # False 执行结果: 以上就是Python公共操作中的运算符讲解,自己可以多写一些代码尝试一下...
Tuples are used to store multiple items in a single variable.Tuple is one of 4 built-in data types in Python used to store collections of data, the other 3 are List, Set, and Dictionary, all with different qualities and usage.A tuple is a collection which is ordered and unchangeable....
for key,item in enumerate(li,start=1): print(key,item) inp = input("请输入商品:") #字符串(str)转换成数字(int) inp_num = int(inp) print(li[inp_num-1]) 3、range和xrange 指定范围生成指定的数字 python2.7 range在2.7里,创建指定范围里的所有数 xrang只在2.7里面有,不会一次性创建所有的...
Tuples have many uses in Python programming. 一个特别重要的用例是当您希望从Python函数返回多个对象时。 One especially important use case is when you want to return more than one object from your Python function. 在这种情况下,您通常会将所有这些对象包装在一个元组对象中,然后返回该元组。 In that...