t on its packaging when I bought it. I don’t know much more now. But this much is certain: If you want lots of African percussion with blasts of free jazz swooping in and out, this is the place to be. It’s not for every day listening, but at the right time this always does...
but it was still primarily an underground concern. The following decade changed all that. For the first time, its artists became superstars in their own right. The huge hits of 90s hip-hop put the genre firmly at the top of the heap – a lofty position from which it’s never...
Tupac movieshave always been “in the works,”but Pac’s legacy doesn’t necessarily have to be immortalized by a big budget Blockbuster. Our friends over in China are making an unauthorized biopic-slash-new narrative about Tupac Shakur calledUntil The End Of Time, named after the posthumous ...