“Tunnels & Trollsis an unrecognised trailblazer in the games industry”, saidDuncan Molloy, head of Rebellion Unplugged. “The team at Flying Buffalo responded to an entirely new medium by focusing on how roleplaying could be more approachable, more accessible, and more fun. So much of the ...
隧道与巨魔安卓版的下载分享给大家,游戏是延续了地牢冒险手游的风格,在游戏中我们需要创造自己的冒险家来武装自己,提升作战能力以及保证自己的生存,游戏将为玩家提供真正的数字重新整理,喜欢的玩家可以下载体验。 【游戏特色】 隧道与巨魔(Tunnels & Trolls Adventures)是游戏商MetaArcade开发的一款地牢类RPG手游。在画面...
“Tunnels & Trollsis an unrecognised trailblazer in the games industry”, saidDuncan Molloy, head of Rebellion Unplugged. “The team at Flying Buffalo responded to an entirely new medium by focusing on how roleplaying could be more approachable, more accessible, and more fun. So much of the ...
Tunnels & Trollswill always hold a special place in my heart. It sparked a lifelong interest in roleplaying, and fed into my love of the fantasy genre which has stuck with me to this day. I’m delighted to bring it into the Rebellion, and can’t wait for the new adventures from the...
Tunnels & Trolls is designed primarily as a fantasy role-playing game set in a somewhat medieval alternate-universe, in the tradition of the hero tales of Greece and Rome, the Norse sagas and the Eddas, childhood fairy tales, and in the more modern traditions of the heroic fantasy of J.R...
网络释义 1. 洞穴与巨人 桌上角色扮演游戏 -... ... 北欧传奇( Runequest)洞穴与巨人(Tunnels and Trolls) 剑之世界( Sword World) ... zh.wikipedia.org|基于41个网页
On Speaking Terms with the Trolls: This pledge awards you up to 60 minutes of Skype conversation time with any combination of the five Fellowship Trolls (Ken, Liz, Rick, Steve, and/or Bear). You can talk with one of us for an hour, or two on a conference call, or all five of us...
隧道与巨魔(Tunnels & Trolls)改编自肯・圣安德烈(Ken St. Andre)于 1975 年创作的同名 TRPG(桌上角色扮演游戏)T&T,当时这款桌游的设计初衷就是要做得比同时期发售的《龙与地下城(D&D)》更简单、门槛更低和更易上手。 类型:冒险 版本:发行版本 游戏本体 ...
ABYSSissecondinaseriesofPocketAdventures-shortsolitairedungeonstheTunnels&Trolls™gamer canpurchaseinexpensively,carryconveniently,andplayonamoment'snoticewhennolengthycampaignslurkon thehero'shorizon.-Likeourlargersoloadventures,allyouneedtoplayissomepaper,apencil,andafewnormal six-sideddice.ABYSSdoesnotstandalon...
“Tunnels & Trollsis an unrecognised trailblazer in the games industry”, saidDuncan Molloy, head of Rebellion Unplugged. “The team at Flying Buffalo responded to an entirely new medium by focussing on how roleplaying could be more approachable, more accessible, and more fun. So much of the...