ssh2_tunnel— Open a tunnel through a remote server说明 ssh2_tunnel(resource $session, string $host, int $port): resource Open a socket stream to an arbitrary host/port by way of the currently connected SSH server. 参数 session An SSH connection link identifier, obtained from a call to ...
# 暴露本地 ssh 端口到远端服务器端口ssh-to-expose-ssh-server:image:jnovack/autosshcontainer_name:autossh-ssh-to-expose-ssh-server# 使用宿主机的网络network_mode:hostenvironment:-SSH_HOSTUSER=root-SSH_HOSTNAME=
ssh -g -L local_port:localhost:remote_port -f -N dev_user@dev 比如在跳板机上执行 ssh -g -L 22000:localhost:22 -f -N dev_user@dev 会在跳板机上监听22000端口, 并将接收到的ssh请求转发到开发机. 现在,我们可以在客户端直接登录我们的开发机了: ssh -p 22000 dev_user@dev 注意-g 选项: ...
Fig1: How to connect to a service blocked by a firewall through SSH tunnel. If allowed by the SSH server, it is also possible to reach a private server (from the perspective ofREMOTE SERVER) not directly visible from the outside (LOCAL CLIENT's perspective). ...
ssh-L3306:localhost:3306 root@ #没有shell,指定用户名登录 ssh-L3306:localhost:3306-fNbee@ #本机端口:目标主机(本端):目标端口 ssh隧道主机(SSH Server/远端) #本端端口可以和目标端口相同或不同 #访问localhost的3306端口将被映射到192.168.1.104主机的127.0.0.1:3306端口(目标端口...
pip install sshtunnel or easy_install sshtunnel Install from source: python develop Testing the package python setup.pytest Usage examples: SSH tunnel to remote server Useful when you need to connect to a local port on remote server through ssh tunnel. It works by opening a port for...
然后,你可以按照Cloudflare的文档配置:Connect to SSH server with cloudflared access 选择系统版本,在家庭服务器上安装cloudflared 设置需要Tunnel转发的服务协议与端口 其中example.com应该是你在Cloudflare解析的一个域名。 使用Tunnel从外网访问 通过以上配置,我们期望通过访问home-ubuntu.example.com来访问家里局域网内...
ssh -t -L 5432:localhost:1999 ssh -t db_server ssh -t -R 1999: my_name@firewall 1. - Using scp through a DMZ gateway to a machine behind a firewall using a tunnel First you setup port forwarding through an intermediary. This forwards your...
Tunnel-SSH === ssh -L [LOCAL_IP:]LOCAL_PORT:DESTINATION:DESTINATION_PORT [USER@]SSH_SERVER History and Credits Once upon a time this package was created to show my colleges how to create and publish a npm package. That time we used ssh tunnels on our unix machines on a daily bases,...
ServerAddr, tunnel.SSHConfig) if err != nil { logger.Infof(" server dial error: %s", err) return } logger.Infof(" connected to server=%s (1 of 2)", tunnel.ServerAddr) // 创建跳板机到远程服务器的连接 remoteConn, err := serverSSHClient.Dial("tcp",...