Penchit Chitnumsub General Biochemistry, Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany Karl-Heinz van Pée Contributions K.P., A.P. and P. Chaiyen conceived and designed the study. A.P., S.V. and K.P. performed the tunnel analysis and rational design of enzyme engineering. K.P. an...
The design of field-effect transistors (FETs) operating at sub-0.5 V supply voltage is one of the major chal- lenges for nanoelectronics paving the way to resolve the problem of power dissipation in large integrated circuits. Tunnel FETs (TFETs) with interband tunneling are among the ...
sTuhreedtyhneasmaifcetryesapnodnssetaobf itlhietydoofubthlee-ttrraaciknstunnel running in docrueasubpsloeen-dtsrbeayacnkaddtduaicnncnegleealrsma.tiiodndlreesppaorntisteio, nanwdatlhleisdaynnaalmyzicedrefsrpoomnstewloawasopfetchtes of displacement middle partition wall structure itself is studied...