Some of manufacturers sell tungsten rings that do not include carbide. (Some of the retailers still call themtungsten carbidehowever, so be careful.) A tungsten only ring is basically a steel ring. It is very hard, but NOT scratch proof. A tungsten carbide ring can only be scratched by a...
The meaning of TUNGSTEN is a gray-white heavy high-melting ductile hard polyvalent metallic element that resembles chromium and molybdenum in many of its properties and is used especially in carbide materials and electrical components (such as lamp filam
【2件起批】间蓝钨钢开槽斜边男士钨钢戒指men's tungsten rings 复购率:21% 4年 ¥19.5成交18笔 东莞市 钨钢戒指Tungsten Ring新款 Mens Ring钨钢手饰饰品批发 复购率:0% 5年 ¥25.65成交0笔 东莞市 不锈钢拉丝板圆形钨钢圈金银拉线板可拉实心空心油亮无毛刺打金器 ...
欧美新款TUNGSTEN CARBIDE钨钢戒指亚马逊热卖男士钨金指环饰品 东莞市弘远饰品有限公司 2年 回头率: 50% 广东 东莞市 ¥22.80 欧美Tungsten ring饰品情侣钨钢戒指彩色欧泊简约首饰批发小商品 广州万祺贸易商行 5年 回头率: 0% 广东 东莞市 ¥0.17 成交4939493个 苏州艾泰克开槽钨珠飞蝇珠钨钢珠 飞...
tungsten carbide 碳化钨 碳化钨是一种由钨和碳组成的化合物,化学式为WC,英文为Tungsten Carbide,也常被简称为Carbide(实际上carbide是碳化物的统称)。碳化钨的硬度极高,摩氏硬度为8.5~9,且熔点达到2870°C,电阻亦低,常被用做切削刀具材料(可切削不锈钢)、制造高硬度装甲或穿甲弹弹芯,以及...
Tungsten carbide jewelries have a scratch resistant surface for the life of your rings and their durability with low maintenance is truly Tungsten wedding rings.
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Tungsten carries a full selection of Men's Tungsten Wedding Bands and Tungsten Carbide Rings that are priced 50% - 70% off MSRP.
US3606359 * 1969年8月8日 1971年9月20日 Ramsey Corp Tungsten carbide coated piston ringsUS3606359 1969年8月8日 1971年9月20日 Ramsey Corp. Tungsten carbide coated piston ringsUS3606359 * Aug 8, 1969 Sep 20, 1971 Ramsey Corp Tungsten carbide coated piston rings...