Tuner调音器APP安卓版(Tuner - Pitched)是一款技术力很出众并且各项调音工具功能都主打简单便捷操作方式来让小伙伴们上手使用的手机音乐调音器应用软件。这款软件目前暂时是无法让小伙伴们切换为中文页面模式来进行使用的,因此小伙伴们在使用其中的调音器工具功能时是需要对其中的调音服务项目进行简单了解之后才能展开使用...
tuner pitched锐利调音器安卓版是一款管弦乐器手机调音软件,支持乐器广泛,可以对着麦克风吹气来进行高音管和音源的调整,欢迎有需要的朋友到绿色资源网下载使用! 官方介绍 Plusadd调谐器精简版是一种半音乐器调音器和音高管,可让您使用手机中的内置麦克风快速准确地调节乐器。“Plusadd调谐器”可以调节声学或电吉他,低音,...
锐利调音器(Tuner - Pitched)是一款手机调音器软件,使用受众比较广泛,支持大多数的乐器,而且是免费的,精准度方面肯定比不上专业调音工具,不过专业工具还是留给专业的人折腾吧,有需要的朋友不妨下载试试! 应用简介 这款调谐器为专业的音乐人士制作,帮助你快速、方便地使用手机调试乐器,大跨度支持多种乐器。 功能特色 ...
tunerpitched调音器可以将手机模拟变成各种调音器,可以校准多种乐器,准确度超高,可以通过手机麦克风收音,自定义音准等多种参数,快来试试吧! tuner调音器软件介绍 可以调节声学或电吉他,低音,弓弦,木管乐器,铜管乐器,钢琴,鼓乐器和任何其他可以保持音调的乐器。支持自定义的气质,移调,符号如solfège,可调校准等等。通过...
tunerpitched调音器支持众多的乐器,我们可以对它们进行调节,而且上面还有很好的教程可以使用,对于初学者来说很不错了,上面还有很多的曲谱可以去练习。 tuner调音器安卓介绍 可帮助您快速轻松地对各种乐器进行调音-将其用作四弦琴调音器、小提琴调音器、吉他调音器、kalimba调音器、语音调音器等。甚至可以调谐非常低的低...
The Pitched Tuner App by Stonekick. A chromatic tuner for all instruments - always have a tuner handy on your Tablet or phone. Free to download now.
Pitched Tuner to detects a note’s pitch when played on a musical instrument, and compares it to the desired pitch. The tuner indicates whether the note is too h…
A chromatic tuner and pitch pipe used by over a million musicians. Pitched Tuner and Pitch Pipe has been designed by musicians to help you quickly and easily t…
Pitched Tuner and Pitch Pipe has been designed by musicians to help you quickly and easily tune your instrument using the microphone on your device. It works well for a wide range of instruments: Ukulele, violin, mandolin, flute, guitars, voice, and more. Even very low bass strings can be...
Pitched Instrument Tuner and Pitch Pipe has been designed by musicians to help you quickly and easily tune a wide range of instruments - use it as a ukulele tuner, violin tuner, guitar tuner, kalimba tuner, voice tuner, and more. Even very low bass strings can be tuned. Simple controls ...