• Download Latest TunerPro Supported OS: Windows 7 and newer Current Version:5.00.10044-Download(17.5 MB) Release Date:Jan 21, 2025 Registration:$0 USD (Free!)-Donate • Download Latest TunerPro RT Supported OS: Windows 7 and newer ...
您想要为您的吉他调音吗?是否想发现新的和弦?比浪费您的时间了,Tuner 正是一款为您量身打造的应用!有了 Tuner,您可以随时随地轻松,快速,准确地为您的吉他,贝斯或尤克里里琴调音。只需要您的手机即可完成这一切! 有了Tuner,您可以随时随地轻松,快速,准确地为您的吉他,贝斯或尤克里里琴调音——您所需要的只是您的...
Tuner is the app you were looking for to express yourself musically. Try it, and impress your friends with your guitar skills! Features: TUNER - Easily tune your guitar, bass & ukulele using only your phone - No other accessories are needed, no need for a cable to connect your guitar ...
The new subscription offered in Tuner Pro is totally optional but allows you to have access to all the app’s premium features. :) Alice more Old Hob , 05/24/2021 How to access the free trial Does the developer force you to subscribe to gain access to the free trail? Yes. Is ...
Download the GuitarTuna app to access the pro-quality song library of chords and lyrics. Now on iOS and Android. Start for free. Learn to play bass the fun and easy way with Yousician Level up your playing with lessons crafted by real music teachers. Learn fast with interactive tutorials an...
1.) [PRO] REAL strobe tuner display, with up to 4 overtones! 2.) [PRO] Transposition. 3.) [PRO] Temperaments. You can modify the ones that exist or add your own using a text editor. The temperaments are saved on your external memory under the /DaTuner directory. ...
Download the GuitarTuna app to access the pro-quality song library of chords and lyrics. Now on iOS and Android. Start for free. GuitarTuna app features Metronome With tap-for-tempo and multiple time signatures. Chord games Plus chord library, trainers, and more. Chromatic tuner With alterna...
If you are using a smartphone, download the our app Pro Guitar Tuner.If you are using an acoustic guitar or any acoustic instrument the tuner will by default use the built-in microphone. However, if you want to tune an electric guitar or any plugged in instrument you have to adjust the...
enable Tuner, free and safe download. enable Tuner latest version: Full-featured metronome for your PC. enable Tuner is a good, trial version program
App 支援 私隱政策 Guitar Tuner - GuitarTunio 吉他调音器: 调音器 用于您的吉他, 尤克里里和贝斯 Guitar Tuner - Chromatic 音樂 吉他,尤克里裡琴和低音吉他調音器 临吉他调谐器 - Pro Guitar Tuner 吉他調音器 - 调音器 用于您的原 声吉他 和 电吉他...