Photonic Integrated Circuits We encapsulate our comb technology in monolithic III-V PICs that we fabricate with Europe's leading foundries PIC Control and RF We have developed advanced drive and control systems for our comb laser PICs Capabilities ...
Good news: Antech Laser won the "2024 Laser Processing Industry-Ringer Technology Innovation Aw 2024-05-16 安特激光| 2024上海慕尼黑光博会圆满收官 2024-04-03 安特激光春节放假通知 2022-01-28 安特激光祝愿大家腊八节幸福安康 2022-01-10 广州安特激光确定参加2022年慕尼黑上海光博会 ...
Focused on revolutionizing OPO technology, OPOTEK has provided thousands of customers with user friendly, tunable light source solutions with our patented designs and innovations.
Mid Infrared Tunable LaserTOPO: State of the Art Mid IR Tunable Laser Technology for Spectroscopy1.43 - 4.2 µm (2400 - 7000 cm-1) Narrow linewidth: 2 MHz (1·10-4 cm-1) Hands-free motorized tuning 300 GHz (10 cm-1) mode-hop-free tuning range Easy all-digital DLC pro control...
Dye tunable laser Titanium sapphire tunable laser Continuous spectrum laser Pulse DPSS laser Gas Laser Terahertz products Image Vision Exhibition News more>> Good news: Antech Laser won the "2024 Laser Processing Industry-Ringer Technology Innovation Aw 2024-05-16 安特激光| 2024...
Alex Romanelli
Dye tunable laser Titanium sapphire tunable laser Continuous spectrum laser Pulse DPSS laser Gas Laser Terahertz products Image Vision Exhibition News more>> Good news: Antech Laser won the "2024 Laser Processing Industry-Ringer Technology Innovation Aw 2024-05-16 安特激光| 2024...
Picosecond tunable laser Dye tunable laser Titanium sapphire tunable laser Continuous spectrum laser Pulse DPSS laser Gas Laser Terahertz products Image Vision Exhibition News more>> Good news: Antech Laser won the "2024 Laser Processing Industry-Ringer Technology Innovation Aw 2024...
Dye tunable laser Titanium sapphire tunable laser Continuous spectrum laser Pulse DPSS laser Gas Laser Terahertz products Image Vision Exhibition News more>> Good news: Antech Laser won the "2024 Laser Processing Industry-Ringer Technology Innovation Aw 2024-05-16 安特激光| 2024...
The group's products are based on tunable laser technology and are used to map the surfaces of physical objects. X-Rite and Veridian-ERIM International have also agreed to get together to work out new applications for this type of technology. This acquisition represents one of many investments...