Your dog might also undergo chemotherapy with drugs such as prednisone, vinblastine, or Palladia (toceranib). Radiation therapy with a veterinary oncologist may also be needed. Your dog's prognosis and treatment options depend on the tumor's grade and level of invasion. Additional treatment involves...
Before we dive intodangerous skin tumorsin dogs, we should first cover what a skin tumor is. A canine skin tumor is an abnormal collection of tissue on or near the surface of the dog’s skin. These tumors can be either benign or cancerous. There is often no way to know until the tu...
Squamous carcinoma had been diagnosed in 12 carnivores, respectivelly in dog 11 cases and 1 case in cat. The breeds diagnosed with squamous carcinomas were: Schnauzer (3 cases), stray dogs (2 cases), and one case for the folowing breeds: Rotweiler, Spaniel Cocker, German Brack, Doberman, ...
Up to 95% of male dogs respond completely to castration; in those that do not, the pituitary-adrenal axis should be evaluated and, if no abnormality is detected, the dog should be reevaluated for the presence of a low-gra...
Our Golden is 12 years old and has a large mass on her right leg. This has now ruptured and bleeds all over the place. What ever it is it makes her chew on her legs and again more open wounds that bleed. Wife’s dog, I can’t do anything for her dog but maybe cover wounds an...
Subcutaneous MCTs are located in the subcutis at any place on the body, but the legs, back, and thorax are the most common sites, accounting for 60% of these tumors.14,15 Multiple tumors are uncommon; 95% are single masses (16 multiple, 290 single).15 They cause the skin to bulge,...
If your dog has signs of Cushing’s disease, your veterinarian will run routine and specialized blood and urine tests. If the test results are inconclusive, retesting may be needed 3 to 6 months later. Once the disease is confirmed, however, additional blood tests are usually done to determi...
Most tumors arise on the flank, thorax, or shoulder. Occasionally, multiple tumors arise simultaneously or sequentially. This author has seen multiple sequential tumors in vaccination sites in one dog, suggesting local trauma/wound healing as part of the pathogenesis. Grossly, they can be found in...
Back pain, especially in the middle or lower back, is the most frequent symptom of both noncancerous and cancerous spinal tumors. The pain may be worse at night or on awakening. It also may spread beyond your spine to your hips, legs, feet or arms and may become more severe over time...
I am trying to make the decision on putting my dog down. She no long is herself and... (20027 views) Mange treatment. Dr. Marie: My dog has demodectic mange. We give her Promeris, but it makes her... (19485 views) Dog going blind. Our dog Vinnie started suddenly to become lethar...