前面说到WES+定制化Panel的策略是现在MRD的主流,Natera的产品Signatera是此路线的标杆产品(MRD标杆:Natera的Signatera解析)。 对Signatera解析的最后一段中,我对大Panel+定制化Panel的路线持怀疑态度,主要是因为Signatera的定制化突变位点达到了16个,另外现在国内好多同路线产品都在“卷”定制突变的个数,动辄50多个。 WES...
如图1所示,该研究采用Tumor-Informed方案开展MRD检测,通过15-Gene Panel对患者的FFPE样本进行靶向高通量测序,筛选体细胞突变位点;采集30-60mL血液样本,并从10mL以上的血浆中提取cfDNA,从FFPE的15-Gene Panel基因变异数据中挑选至少一个体细胞突变位点对cfDNA中的ctDNA...
✦用于早期分子残留病 (MRD) 检测的Tumor-informed和Tumor-naive方法的比较✦ 01 背景 Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) has emerged as a dynamic biomarker for the assessment of MRD and risk of recurrence in real time.1A ctDNA assay optimized for MRD detection must be able to detect ctDNA at th...
6月15-16日,HIT 2023 第五届热点肿瘤分子诊断技术与应用论坛在浙江杭州圆满召开。会议聚焦肿瘤诊断,围绕肿瘤早筛和复发监控两大板块,深度探究相关领域技术创新和临床应用。阔然全新Tumor-naïve + Tumor-informed MRD检测产品惊艳亮相,获得众多临床专家和同道的关注和肯定。
Several techniques have been developed for the detection of MRD, mainly by tracking ultra-low-frequency somatic tumor mutations in cell-free DNA.Methods:NGS using a 1123-gene-panel were performed on the tumor tissue and white blood cells which was designed for pan-cancer covering 1.8Mbp human ...
Background: Patient-specific flexible gene panels designed based on whole-exome sequencing (WES) of resected tumor tissues is a promising strategy for ctDNA-based detection of molecular residual disease (MRD) in early-stage NSCLC. Flexible gene panels could potentially overcome the limitations of ...
Given the known histological and molecular heterogeneity in urothelial carcinoma, we examined the prognostic value of a tumor-informed MRD assay in bladder cancer patients with mixed or pure variant histologies (M/VH).Methods:This retrospective study analyzed the results of post-cystectomy longitudinal...
Background: A novel approach for molecular residual disease (MRD) detection and treatment monitoring is needed in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) to identify patients with a poor prognosis. We performed a retrospective evaluation of commercial ctDNA testing in patients ...