Tumor-naive assays are designed to detect ctDNA using a static, preselected panel of actionable or hotspot tumor mutations in advanced cancers. Because of the inherent limitations of the fixed gene panel approach, which impacts sensitivity and specificity, tumor-naive assays are sometimes supplemented ...
649#Background:Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA)-based MRD assays can detect clinically occult disease with high sensitivity and specificity in patients with solid tumors. Previous trials that evaluated MRD testing in bladder cancer, such as ABACUS and IMVigor010, enrolled patients with a predominant ...
Three-year prognostication with PROPHET assay at B+C yielded higher sensitivity (59% vs 26% vs 22%), negative predictive value (66% vs 51% vs 50%), and hazard ratio (7.15, 95%CI [3.2-15.9] vs 4.48 [1.9-10.9] vs 5.58 [2.1-14.7]) as compared with TI and TN fixed panel assays....
Identifying molecular residual disease (MRD) with tailored tumor-informed ctDNA-based next-generation sequencing (NGS) assays after curative surgery could facilitate the individualized management of patients with resected pancreatic cancer (PC). Here, we prospectively evaluated the clinical performance of ...
Importantly, since mutations on KRAS genes predominantly occur on codons G12/13 and Q61, we can make minimal assays to cover KRAS mutations by targeting these two hotspots. In fact, of the 112 cases in which KRAS mutations were detected in tumors, 108 had mutations at codons G12/13 and ...
Clonal SNVs were selected using the OriSelector algorithm for patient‐specific, multiplex PCR‐based NGS assays in MRD detection. Plasma‐free DNA from patients with gastrointestinal tumors prior to and following an operation, and during monitoring, were ultradeep sequenced. Results: The det...
This result suggests that intertumoral genomic heterogeneity may not be consequential in MRD assays that leverage large panels to detect ctDNA variants, obviating the need for repeat biopsies of metastatic sites. Work is underway to validate this MRD assay in a larger cohort of patients with ...
Of 476 ctDNA assays performed, 70% were performed in patients who had recurrent disease most commonly to monitor the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions and 16% resulted in a change in clinical decision making. There were 110 recurrences identified in 62 patients, as some patients experienced...
Personalized MRD assays were carefully designed by selecting up to 40 prioritized variants, including single nucleotide variants (SNVs), small insertions and deletions (InDels), and fusions while ensuring coverage of 21 additional key driver genes. For analytical validation, we utilized a pan-cancer ...
Table 2. Comparison of tumor-informed assays and tumor-naive assays for patients with early-stage CRC. 表2:早期结直肠癌患者tumor-informed检测与tumor-naive检测的比较。 2. The data show post-surgical MRD performance 2. 数据显示术后MRD表现 ...