Barrett T, Priest AN, Lawrence EM et al (2015) Ratio of tumor to normal prostate tissue apparent diffusion coefficient as a method for quantifying DWI of the prostate. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 205: W585-W593Barrett T, Priest AN, Lawrence EM, et al. Ratio of tumor to normal prostate ...
In addition to the concern for normal tissue toxicity, radiation is often unnecessary, since local disease control is surgically possible. In a recent retrospective evaluation of complications in dogs undergoing definitive pelvic irradiation for a variety of neoplasms, the authors found an increase i...
Normal mouse brain sections were not stained by MC-FN-010-bio (Fig. 4a), indicating specificity for tumor vasculature. Fig. 4: Targeting the tumor vasculature with selected cystine-knot miniproteins. a Specific binding of MC-FN-010 to tissue sections derived from the human U-87 MG ...
Normal aggregates of lymphoid nodules occur in the small intestine and are referred to asPeyer's patches. They are located most frequently in the distal ileum, on the antimesenteric border of the intestine, and measure up to 4 cm in length. The lymphoid tissue in theileocecal valveis uniqu...
In many types of metabolic parameters, some studies have shown that the normal liver and blood pool tissues are the most frequently used as normal candidate ones in metabolic parameters compared with other organs [15, 35, 36]. Domenico et al. using SUVmax, lesion-to-liver SUVmax ratio and...
Tumor gene expression is predictive of patient prognosis in some cancers. However, RNA-seq and whole genome sequencing data contain not only reads from host tumor and normal tissue, but also reads from the tumor microbiome, which can be used to infer the
B Bubble plots showing the change in the expression of L/R pairs between tumor and normal samples from the TCGA-BLCA cohort (upper panel) and between patients who responded and did not respond to anti-PD-L1 therapy from the IMvigor210 cohort (lower panel). C Pie chart showing the ratio ...
(Fig.1B) if OTOT can be mitigated. To better understand CAIX expression on ccRCC tumor and normal bile duct tissue, we collected fresh frozen tissue sections and performed direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) super resolution imaging for CAIX quantification using a ...
Ideally, tissue sections selected for immunohistochemical studies should contain both tumor and histologically normal-appearing mucosa so that a comparison between tumor and normal tissue can be made. The normal intestinal mucosa also serves as “built-in” negative controls for the expression of CK7 ...
For example, microscopic examination of the tumor/normal tissue interface shows that peritumoral acidity drives tumor invasion in the surrounding normal tissue, with the regions of highest tumor invasion corresponding to those of lowest pH. In these regions the environmental pH reaches values that ...