Tumor de intestino delgado. Rev Col Gastroenterol. 2009;24(2):180-186.Saelzer F, Abedrapo M, Korn O. Tumor de intestino delgado. Reporte de un caso. Rev Chil Cir. 2006 ; 58 (1): 2-3.Saelzer F, Abedrapo M, Korn O. Tumor de intestino delgado. Reporte de un caso. Rev Chil...
Tumor compuesto de intestino grueso: adenocarcinoma mucinoso y carcinoma neuroendocrino de célula grande. A propósito de un casoComposite tumorsMucinous carcinomaLarge cell neuroendocrine carcinomaPrimary composite tumours of the intestine are rare and are characterised by the presence of glandular and ...
The present study used the additional singleton paradigm of Theeuwes (1992) and showed that capture was abolished when the size of the attentional window was reduced by focusing on RSVP stream in the center of the screen. Narrowing of attentional window also resulted in increase in search slope ...
This is a survey article on the theory of lattice points in large planar domains and bodies of dimensions 3 and higher, with an emphasis on recent developments and new methods, including a lot of results established only during the last few years. It deals with the classic circle and sphere...