Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (2017) 46:17 Page 4 of 4 While a dual population of cells on cytology may al- lude to an intra-tumor metastasis, immunohistochemis- try can fortify a working diagnosis. Specific markers such as TTF1 which is found in the lung and ...
On Immunohistochemistry study, the tumor cells were positive for Alpha-fetoprotein and Glypican-3. Epithelial Membrane Antigen (EMA), Thyroglobin (TG), Thyroid transcription Factor-1 (TTF1) and sex-cord stromal markers were negative. This case introduces a new histomorphologic pattern of yolk sac...
Molecular subtypes have been identified in neuroendocrine carcinomas that originated from other organs26,27,28. Drawing on their research, we found that the subtyping markersASCL1,NEUROD1,POU2F3, andYAP1showed distinct expression patterns in SCNECC epithelial cells, consistent with the distribution o...
Histologic examination revealed a low-grade epithelial tumor with predominant papillary architecture, lined by cuboidal to columnar epithelial cells. The tumor cells were immunpositive for cytokeratin (CK), CK7, epithelial membrane antigen, carcinoembryonic antigen and showed diffuse and strong nuclear ...
While a dual population of cells on cytology may allude to an intra-tumor metastasis, immunohistochemistry can fortify a working diagnosis. Specific markers such as TTF1 which is found in the lung and thyroid gland, and thyroglobulin all support the classification of WDTC [1, 6]. Although both...
Immunohistochemical staining showed the tumor cells to be positive for α-smooth muscle actin and h-caldesmon but negative for TG, TTF1, PAX8, S-100, CT, CK, and CD34. The ki-67 index was very low (<1%). Primary thyroid leiomyoma is rare and difficult to diagnose using frozen sections...
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. We previously found that Mediator complex subunit 23 (MED23) is important for the tumourigenicity of lung cancer cells with hyperactive Ras activity in vitro, although the in vivo functi
These cells surrounded blood vessels lined with normal endothelial. An rmmunohistochem-ical study revealed the tumor cells to be positive for CD34, smooth muscle actin, and vimentin (Figure 1(d)-(f)), but negative for desmin, cytokeratin, chromogranin, synaptophysin, CD56, CD117, TTF1, and ...
Fig. 3. The surface cells are positive for pancytokeratin and TTF-1 immunohistochemically (100X). 3. Discussion PSP is a benign tumor with low prevalence. It is often seen in middle-aged Asian women. Patients are usually asymptomatic and it is detected coincidentally. A cough, chest pain an...
7. The expression of TTF-1 is restricted to alveolar type II cells8. It has been found in all types of lung cancer but is reported frequently in adenocarcinoma9,10. TTF-1 has been shown to be a favor prognostic factor for survival in NSCLC11. Some studies have shown that differentiation...