If you’re looking for a tummy tuck in Milwaukee, WI, the Quintessa Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery offers a top-quality, transformative experience.
Learn how tummy tuck surgery works, whether it’s painful, what the scar looks like, how long recovery takes, when you see results, and more.
Tummy Tuck Recovery One of the biggest deterrents for woman who want a tummy tuck has historically been the recovery. But, it has really gotten a bad rap. With the recent advances in surgical techniques such as progressive tension sutures to repair the skin/fat flap, Dr. Van Natta is able...
This is particularly an issue for women who’ve had children or those who’ve experienced significant weight loss. If you are considering a tummy tuck, you may be a candidate for a less invasive procedure called the Avelar Tummy Tuck, a mini tummy tuck combined with liposuction. Dr. Smith...
For patients with fuller breasts, these incisions can be completely hidden, and in general are not noticeable even when wearing a bikini.Abdominoplasty Recovery Your tummy tuck will take about three to four hours to complete, and we perform this surgery in our fully-accredited, state-of-the-...
Tummy tuck surgery addresses the issues of excess skin and weakened abdominal muscles. It's important to note that a tummy tuck is not a solution for weight loss or fat reduction; rather, it focuses on enhancing the contours of the midsection. For those seeking fat reduction, abdominoplasty ...
What is a tummy tuck recovery like? Following tummy tuck surgery, you should plan on being at home for 1-2 weeks. During this period you are able to walk and perform light activity. Strenuous exercise and sexual activity should be avoided for 6 weeks after surgery. ...
During your recovery, you will want to make sure to rest your body to allow for it to heal more quickly. Additionally, you will want to make sure not to lift anything of weight until you are cleared to do so by your doctor. What Will My Tummy Tuck Results Be? Besides the physical ...
Learn about abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), which removes excess fat and skin from the abdomen, at the UPMC Plastic Surgery Center in Pittsburgh, PA.
How much weight can I lose from tummy tuck surgery?While a New York City tummy tuck can help you slim and tone your abdominal area, it is not meant for weight loss. Tummy tuck is a body contouring procedure used to remove excess skin and, if necessary, repair weakened or separated ...