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PART III Etiologic Agents of Infectious Diseases SECTION C Fungi 250 Histoplasma capsulatum (Histoplasmosis) Martin B. Kleiman Histoplasmosis, the most common primary systemic mycosis in the United States, affects millions of people in urban and rural areas of the East and Midwest,1,2 ...
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南阳市唐河县滨河北路与建设路交叉路口往南约250米位于南阳市唐河县,靠近滨河路、银化路和建设路。周边交通便捷,途径多条公交线路,包括唐河5路、唐河11路、唐河1路、唐河3路等,公交站有教场庄、南泉、唐河大桥东、大唐世家。 为了让您可以更好地了解南阳市唐河县滨河北路与建设路交叉路口往南约250米的详细情况和...
摘要: Twelve primary subcultures of Histoplasma capsulatum, paired in all possible combinations on agar containing yeast extract and Alphacel, produced fertile cleistothecia, resembling those of Ajellomyces dermatitidis (Blastomyces dermatitidis).
Earl Url Edgar Cinematographer Avinash Maliya Editor Rk Ravi(edited by) See all filmmakers & crew (9) Trending Become a member to see MOVIEmeter and news information about Tum Ho. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Box Office Become a member to see Box Office information about Tum Ho. ...
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