Students are integrated with our research activities immediately. In addition to taking graduate level courses, students are expected to devote time for studying relevant scientific publications and code writing. There will be daily, informal interaction with Prof. Koutsourelakis and other members of t...
The admitted student is expected to be part of the International Max Planck Research School for Population, Health and Data Science (IMPRS-PHDS) that merges demography, epidemiology and data science. IMPRS-PHDS equips doctoral students not only with advanced knowledge of the theory and methods of...
The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases 52nd Annual Meeting and Postgraduate Courses Other articles from this special issue Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma — A prospective analysis of survival according to intention-to-treat, and the rate of “drop-out” from the ...
Topher went on to complete a Master’s Degree in Lighting Design at the University of Florida where he taught both existing and his own original undergraduate and graduate courses, designed for the main stage, and assisted on professional productions. SELECTED WORKS -CLICK AN IMAGE TO SEE MORE ...