Tulsa, OK CARTE RADAR Nos cookies. Votre choix. The Weather Channel utilise des données, des cookies et d'autres technologies similaires sur ce navigateur afin d'optimiser notre site web et de vous fournir des fonctions météorologiques basées sur la localisation générale de...
Tulsa, OK, Verenigde Staten van Amerika RADARKAART Onze cookies. Jouw keuze. The Weather Channel gebruikt gegevens, cookies en andere soortgelijke technologieën in deze browser om onze website te optimaliseren en u weerfuncties te bieden op basis van de algemene locatie...
2 News Oklahoma KJRH Tulsa gives you up-to-the-minute local news, breaking news alerts, 24/7 live streaming video, accurate weather forecasts, severe weather up…
Then it was time for Don Woods and Gusty for the weather. Way back then practically no weatherman on television was a real meteorologist, but Don was. And he could draw the little cartoon character he called "Gusty." Don was a great guy. So were most of the people I worked with in ...
Somehow it started working again when I was in Amarillo and picked up the local weather radar off cable ch. 3 there. The outlet was next to the cable box, but I never had cable there! KAMR ch. 4 was the lowest channel in AMA. ...