This was also a shortened (by one hour) production, in English...produced by the Genius, Julie Taymor, of "Lion King" fame. The audience reacted much the same way as if this were a live event, not to mention that popcorn and drinks were much in evidence. It was very entertaining an...
Webmaster: I watched a few episodes of "Space: 1999" (Wikipedia link) on Netflix a year or so ago (I did see it in its original run in my dorm room at OU). It was one of the best-looking sci-fi series, boasting the model work of Brian Johnson, who had worked on "2001: A ...
on my 'resume', I could have been "King of the World"...Instead of the other way around. On a more serious note: I read in the Mini World Paper that a fellow who done his Mom or Aunt in with a bat, allowed as how he had (among other things) bought a can of compressed AIR...
When you read about the Mexican clinic that was "treating" Coretta Scott King at the time of her death, you realize that his voice is still needed. Webmaster: Martin Gardner (Wikipedia), long-time "Mathematical Games" columnist in Scientific American, was born in Tulsa, was a reporter ...