Visit Tulip Time, the Holland, Michigan festival that boasts over 5 million tulips, planted & ready to burst forth in bloom in early spring.
Tarda tulip’s short, yellow and white flowers make excellent partners for slightly taller tulips. Try a rock garden tulip (Tulipa greigii) for a 10- to 12-inch background. Then use the durable blossoms of grape hyacinths as a contrasting blue, spike-shaped flower that grows to about the...
Bob Puhala
2023 has finally arrived, which means many of us are eager to wish time ahead to warmer months and our favorite yearly traditions. Tulip Time One that holds strong in the hearts of many West Michiganders is the Tulip Time Festival in Holland, Michigan. And while we have a few months befor...
Blossom in Michigan Tulip Time Festival Set To Blossom in MichiganTulip Time Festival Set To Blossom in MichiganBob Puhala
The Holland, Michigan festival says you can expect a new tulip tour as well as an incredible lunch to be added to next year's event.
Every Michigander is born with a hatred of Ohio State. We have a sliver of proof that something good may indeed come out of Columbus once in a while. In October of 2021, the Buckeyes performed atribute to Rushat halftime. Crank it up as we found seven more performances of the Buckeye...
The tulip tree grows from the southern portions of the New England states westward through Ontario and into Michigan. Warning Four types of insects can damage the tulip tree: tuliptree scale, the yellow-poplar weevil, the rootcollar borer and the Columbina timber beetle. ...
It’s tulip time in another month in Holland Michigan, just an hour away. I’ll see what I can do. Cheri Reply Stephanie Van de Wetering 04-10-2021 3:30 pm I love traditional 4-patch applique quilts. This one uses Arkansas Traveler as the alternate block. Reply Laureen Smith 04...
Bob Puhala