神秘而迷人的郁金香花朵已经俘获了全世界人们的心灵和想象力。凭借这款全新 14.5 英寸(宽)x 11.5 英寸(高)裱框单品庆祝他们的美丽,该单品以一系列壮观的郁金香的照片为特色,包括一张装裱的 Forever® Stamp (永久邮票) 以及发行首日的细节。 1. 格式: ...
I wanted to ensure that if, 50 years from now, people looked at these images they would immediately place a time stamp on them — and for that reason, shooting in black and white was essential. Increasingly, the new Nocti seemed an ideal tool to bring to the mix. Leica M10 Monochrom a...