The main Howard-Tilton Memorial Library houses the Latin American Library and Media Services. The Rudolph Matas Library is located in the School of Medicine. The Special Collections Division in Jones Hall includes the Hogan Archive of New Orleans...
A number of libraries are scattered throughout the university. Its main library, the main Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, houses the Latin American Library and the Maxwell Music Library, as well as special collections that include the Hogan Jazz Archive, the Southeastern Architectural Archive, and ...
With the improvements to Tulane University in the late 19th century, Tulane had a firm foundation to build upon as the premier university of the South and continued this legacy with growth in the 20th century. In 1901, the first cornerstone was laid for the F.W. Tilton Library, endowed by...
Robert W. Woodruff Library Special Collections, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Marvin S. Arrington Papers. Mary Cornelia Barker Papers University of California, Los Angeles Special Collections, Los Angeles, California Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company Records, 1866-1985. University of ...
SECURITIES OUTLINE - New York University School of Law:证券概述-纽约大学法学院 热度: Contract Law Outline - New York University School of Law:合同法概述-纽约大学法学院 热度: Evidence Outline - New York University School of Law 热度: t u l a n e u n i v e r s i t y l a w s ...