Log in to the game and run/console cvar_defaultthen logout and close the game. Uninstall all WoW versions (Retail, Classic, Cataclysm, PTRs, Beta) in your Battle.net client. Close the Battle.net Client. Go in your drive and delete the leftoverWorld of Warcraftfolder. Log back in to t...
The three folders for ElvUI are now: ElvUI, ElvUI_Libraries, and ElvUI_Options. Bag search will now be simplified to using the same API Blizzard provides for their bags. CustomGlow is now back to ButtonGlow for the time being (no settings for this right now. however, it might change...
The .toc file tells the WoW client about your addon, and tells it which files you would like it to load.## Interface: 100007 ## Author: YourNameHere ## Version: 1.00 ## Title: |cff1784d1ElvUI|r |cff00b3ffMyPluginName|r ## Notes: ElvUI Plugin Framework. ## RequiredDeps: ElvUI...