…and linguistically connected with the Tujue, the name given by the Chinese to the nomadic people who in the 6th century ce founded an empire stretching from what is now Mongolia and the northern frontier of China to the Black Sea. With some exceptions, notably in the European part of…Re...
隋初分裂为东西两部,唐太宗贞观四年攻灭东突厥,显庆四年唐又灭西突厥,余部西迁中亚。 英Turks; a nationality in ancient China; 引证解释 ⒈ 古代民族名,国名。广义包括 铁勒、突厥 各部落,狭义指 突厥汗国。公元6世纪初兴起于 金山 (今 阿尔泰山 )西南麓,为一游牧部落。公元552年,建政权于今 鄂尔浑河 ...
Tujue definition at Chinese.Yabla.com, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes & Audio. Look it up now!
百度试题 结果1 题目突厥这个词的发音这个词怎么发音,tujue 还是tuque? 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 tujue 反馈 收藏
京东优评,为您推荐的“TUJUE照明钥匙扣”相关产品的购买用户评价简单方便(154) , 清晰明亮(108) , 极其好用(30) , 续航强劲(12) , 工艺精致(11) , 使用简便(9) , 功能多样(9) , 美观大方(8) , 结实耐用(5) , 高档大气(5) . 猜你喜欢 紫韵梳香大号整料黄桃木梳子女士男士养生经络按摩梳细齿赛...
tujue汗国时代的..数据来自Medieval genomes from eastern Mongolia share a stable genetic profile over a millennium和A Dynamic 6,000-Year Genetic History of Eurasia’s Eastern Steppe共6个古人2个c22个j2一个j1一个r1a一个d
俄语有钦察tujue..俄语有钦察tujue 语借词。没有任何蒙语借词。因为罗斯只是钦察汗国(金帐)朝贡国,钦察汗国官方语言是钦察语。当然钦察人在蒙古之前就在欧洲影响罗斯了,也不是只是因为蒙古的。但蒙吹不服,拿钦察语借词歪曲
1) submit to Tujue 称臣突厥2) Turks 突厥 1. In the early Tang Dynasty, Han people and other ethnic groups in inland China knew it as the Turks intercourse with the Central Plains became more frequent and lots of Turkic people migrated to the Central Plains. 剺面习俗在东汉至隋唐时期...