ENERGI BERSIH TERJANGKAU DALAM MEWUJUDKAN TUJUAN PEMBANGUNAN BERKELANJUTAN (SDGs)doi:10.59188/jurnalsosains.v4i3.1245Background: Indonesia has a lot of new and affordable energy potential. As time goes by, Indonesia's population growth increases so that the energy require...
ANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI PERDA RENCANA TATA RUANG WILAYAH DALAM MEWUJUDKAN PEMBANGUNAN BERKELANJUTAN YANG BERWAWASAN LINGKUNGAN DI KABUPATEN BENGKULU TENGAH The development of the City Park as a form of implementation of Green Open Space provision policy in the development of urban area was very concerning...
PENCAPAIAN TUJUAN PEMBANGUNAN BERKELANJUTAN (SDGs) KE-8: STUDI KASUS DI JAWA TENGAHdoi:10.59188/jcs.v2i2.237This research was conducted to look at the achievement of the 8th Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Central Java region by examining the influence of the determina...