Are you among the patients affected by this change? Are you planning to switch providers? Opt for another insurance plan? We want to hear from you. Fill out our survey below and a reporter may be in touch. Dana Gerber can be reached
Let’s go down my list, one at a time: Dr Kiyoko Kifuji– Even if we grant the possibility that bipolar disordercanbe diagnosed in a two year-old (aquestionable premise, even according to the experts), the evidence suggests thatDr Kifujipermitted Rebecca’s parents to give the medications...
Pharmacy Medical Necessity Guidelines: Subutex® (buprenorphine HCl) March 13, 2012: No changes June 12, 2012: Administrative change: Updated "Administrative Process (Internal Use Only)" field to list LPN/RN August 14, 2012: Moved approval durations to limitations section. Added note...
Subsequent endorsement date(s) and changes made: November 2001: Renewed, no changes made November 2001: Renewed, no changes made May 2002: Renewed, removed coverage for all short bones, except the scaphoid bone of the wrist, when the criteria is met, redefined long bone criteria...
Pharmacy Medical Necessity Guidelines: Restasis™ (cyclosporine A) May 11, 2010: No changes May 10, 2011: No changes February 14, 2012: No changes September 11, 2012: Updated list of examples of artificial tear solutions and ocular lubricants. Changed requirementof failure ...