Liquid transfer is an essential part of biomanufacturing processes. With Tuflux® tubing, you benefit from low extractable profiles for both silicone and TPE tubing to transfer your critical fluids across all process steps.
材料: platinum cured silicone suitable for pumping application 温度范围: –60 °C 到 200 °C (–76 °F 到 392 °F) 灭菌: Gamma射线和高压蒸气灭菌 包装材料:初级和次级 PE包材 颜色:透明 特性 低溶出,易于进行管路的验证。 邵氏硬度 A60:作为蠕动泵管有良好的断裂强度和较小的Kink效应 ...