Mono Lake's tall grasses and shrubbery are shown growing along the bottom of this tufa formation. 莫诺湖的高茎草和灌木林沿着凝灰岩地层的底部生长起来。 3. Made of limestone, tufa forms as a byproduct of the precipitation of carbonate minerals from surrounding water. 凝灰岩是...
tufa 基本解释 n. [矿]泉华,石灰华 tufa 网络释义 n. [地质] 石灰华;凝灰岩;泉华 n. (Tufa)人名;(埃塞)图法 tufa 词性变化 名词复数形式:tufas 词组短语 1、calc-tufan. [化]石灰华 2、dendritictufa树枝状石灰华 3、dendroidtufa树枝状石灰华 ...
tufa是什么意思 音标: 英 ['tju:fə] 美 ['tju:fə] n. [矿]泉华,石灰华 n. a soft porous rock consisting of calcium carbonate deposited from springs rich in lime tufa的用法和例句: 1.Andtufahas the perfect conditions to age the wines in terms of humidity and temperature....
The organic cotton Tufa Sweater offers climber specific features in a stylish and comfortable layer. Invisible zips allow belaying ease with a harness, while cuff and hem details offer a fresh take on the classic cotton sweater. Designed to offer full ra
The meaning of TUFA is tuff.
tufa中文含义解释:下表包含 tufa 相关词语 拼音 什么意思 解释等。 共查找到拼音“tufa组词语” 6 个 秃发 tū fā ⒈ 头发脱落。[查看详情] 1 突发 tū fā ⒈ 迸发;忽然爆发。[查看详情] 2 图法 tú fǎ ⒈ 图录和法典。[查看详情] 3 吐发 ...
Who Can Benefit From a Tufa Circle? How We Fund Support Brands want to get you to shop on their website. They offer Tufa users a percentage of your purchase amount (cash commissions) to entice you to shop with them. We collect those cash commissions from the brands and send it to your...
tufa n. 凝灰岩;多孔凝灰岩 calc tufa n. [化]石灰华 trap tufa 暗色岩灰 最新单词 duskily是什么意思及反义词 ad. 微暗的,微黑的 dusk的意思 n.[U] 薄暮,傍晚,黄昏 a. 微暗的 v.[T,I] 使微暗 durylene的中文翻译及音标 四甲代对亚苯基 durum是什么意思及反义词 n. 小麦的一种 durst...
The tufa granolare, on the contrary, was admirably adapted for the construction of these subterranean cemeteries. FromProject Gutenberg The most ancient and lowest stratum of this igneous formation is a compact conglomerate known as tufa lithoide. ...