TUF B450M-PRO GAMING has an enhanced VRM and heatsink to improve cooling performance. New alloy chokes provide higher power-conversion, lower power-dissipation and better temperature control for more efficient operation. Improved voltage tuning further increases performance. An optimized VRM layout and...
Les B450M-PRO GAMING présentent toutes les deux un régulateur de tension (VRM) et un ventirad avancés afin d'améliorer les performances de refroidissement du système. Les nouvelles bobines avec alliage spécial fournissent une conversion de puissance plus élevée ainsi qu'une réduction de...
TUF B450M-PRO GAMING has an enhanced VRM and heatsink to improve cooling performance. New alloy chokes provide higher power-conversion, lower power-dissipation and better temperature control for more efficient operation. Improved voltage tuning further increases performance. An optimized VRM layout and...
TUF B450M-PRO GAMING 配備有史以來最全面的風扇控制,可透過 FAN Xpert 2+ 或榮獲大獎肯定的 UEFI BIOS 進行設定。 多重溫度來源 4 針腳 PWM/DC 風扇 透過FAN Xpert 2+,您能夠根據最多三個溫度來源的輸入來控制系統風扇。 例如,FAN Xpert 2+ 可設為因應 GPU 溫度而啟動機殼風扇。 因此,當戰況激烈時,額...
A TUF B450M-PRO GAMING dispõe de um VRM e dissipador melhorados para melhorar a performance de arrefecimento. Os novos indutores fornecem uma conversão de energia superior, menor dissipação de energia e melhor controlo de temperatura para uma operação eficiente. Afinação...
TUF B450M-PRO GAMINGは、冷却性能を向上させるために強化されたVRMとヒートシンクが付属しています。 新しい合金チョークは、より効率的な動作のために、高い電力変換、低い電力散逸、および良い温度制御を提供します。 改良された電圧調整は性能をさらに向上させます。 伝導性を向上させる、より...
TUF B450M-PRO GAMING has an enhanced VRM and heatsink to improve cooling performance. New alloy chokes provide higher power-conversion, lower power-dissipation and better temperature control for more efficient operation. Improved voltage tuning further increases performance. An optimized VRM layout and...
AMD B450 Chipset Dual M.2 SATA 6Gb/s ports Front USB 3.1 Gen 1 Easy PC DIY Experience TUF Gaming 메인보드는 뛰어난 디자인, 혁신적인 엔지니어링 및 고성능 주요 부품을 기반으로 하고 있으며 주요 제조업체와...
AMD B450 mATX gaming-moederbord met Aura Sync RGB LED-verlichting, DDR4 4400MHz ondersteuning, dubbele M.2 en native USB 3.1 Gen 2. Realtek S1200A Codec: met een ongekende 108dB signaal/ruisverhouding voor de stereo line-out en een 103dB SRV voor de line-in, voor het leveren va...
Высоконадежнаягеймерскаяматеринскаяплатаформата micro-ATX набазечипсета AMD B450 сподсветкой Aura Sync, поддержкой DDR4 3533 МГц, двумяразъемами M.2 ипорт...