图书名称:相约星期二(Tuesdays with Morrie)(双语版) 作者:(美) 米奇·阿尔博姆著,吴洪译 出版社:上海译文出版社 索书号:H319.4 bnu3965 馆藏地:主馆四层、六层 作者简介 作者:米奇·阿尔博姆(Mitchell Albom) Mitchell Albom(米奇·阿尔博姆)(1959...
big band, the blues. He loved them all. He would close his eyes and with a blissful smile begin to move to his own sense of rhythm. It wasn't always pretty. But then, he didn't worry about a partner. Morrie danced by himself.He used to go to this church in Harvard Square ...
《【中商原版】相约星期二 英文原版 Tuesdays With Morrie 英文版 进口正版》,作者:【中商原版】相约星期二 英文原版 Tuesdays With Morrie 英文版 进口正版米奇?阿尔博姆 著,出版社:Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group,ISBN:9780385496490。
外文名称:Tuesdays with Morrie 开本:32开 出版时间:2014-07-01 用纸:胶版纸 页数:390 字数:179000 正文语种:中文,英文 相约星期二(中英双语珍藏本) [Tuesdays with Morrie] epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025 相关图书 相约星期二(中英双语珍藏本) [Tuesdays with Morrie] epub 下载 mobi ...
《TUESDAYSWITHMORRIE和茉莉一起的星期二》是1998年出版的图书,作者是Mitch Albom。内容介绍 Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher, or a colleague. Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, helped you see the world as a more profound place, gave...
圈圈姜酱创作的外语有声书作品相约星期二Tuesdays with Morrie,目前已更新25个声音,收听最新音频章节Conclusion。Dearfollowers,这是我最喜欢的一本书,一位行将就木的老教授,一个和你我一般疲于奔命的年轻学生,生命...
回动名词短语 reading this book作主语;as if引导表语从句,此处用了虚拟语气。Marty马蒂espite its widespread recognition⑧, my first③② widespread /'waIdspred/ adj.广尽管《相约星期泛流传的二》这本书得到了广impression was that Tuesdays with Morrie is just③recognition /rekag'nIf(3)n/ n.泛的(...
《flipped 怦然心动 英文原版青春爱情小说+Tuesdays with Morrie 相约星期二 全英文原版英语原著小说进口书籍》,作者:flipped 怦然心动 英文原版青春爱情小说+Tuesdays with Morrie 相约星期二 全英文原版英语原著小说进口书籍Wendelin 著,出版社:Bantam,ISBN:97803758
《Tuesdays with Morrie》 作者:米奇·阿尔博姆 分享人:于潇诚老师 推荐指数:★★★ 十四节人生课程 The First Tuesday We Talk About World 第一个星期二:谈论世界 The Second Tuesday We Talk About Feeling Sorry for Yourself 第二个星期...
Despite its widespread recognition, my first impression was that Tuesdays with Morrie is just made up of collection of over-emotional thoughts and messages, many of which are repeated. But thinking back, it did teach me a lesson or two.The book made me stop and think about how much I am ...