Every Tuesday is fat Tuesday for some folks, but that’s none of my business. This Fat Tuesday meme is so sarcastically on point, but like Kermit the Frog says… that is none of my business. vfmardi gras fat tuesday meme Don’t miss ourTuesday memes. No Mardi Gras Meme Then there ar...
Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted byThat Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic isRelationship Freebie(Pick a relationship type and choose characters who fit that relationship as it relates to you. So, characters you’d like to date, be friends ...
will ultimately turn into tyrannical power trips for those on the wielding end and lo and behold, here’s the CDC now prepping Ohio parents of school aged kids what to pack in case junior gets tested positive for the CoronaHoax™ and has to spend a couple night’s in a FEMA cleansing...
ll swing with everything that I’ve got.” On “I Just Hope the Kids Make It Out,” he details the destruction of a town: “Well it all dried up here years ago, they moved it all overseas and let us go, no back-up plan and it’s all gone south, I just hope the kids make...
Vaccinations– “Oh please, nobody actually gets vaccinated. No, I’m not one of these ‘conspiracy theorists’ who says ‘oh they’re bad for you, they cause autism, duh-duh-duh’. No. They don’t even exist. People just go to the doctor, sit in a room quietly with their kids ...
HARVEY occasionally flies into Boonville International. I happened to be walking past the airstrip one late morning when he’d just arrived in a spiffy plane seating maybe a dozen people. I asked the pilot who the plane belonged to. “Sorry, I can’t tell you,” the pilot said. But an...
and where morning slipped into afternoon – i knew i could not tear my eyes from its text, it is unputdownable due to the nature of its strength to be a realistic story about persons who are as real as their living composites and whose lives you shall never soon forget for having crossed...
today and that fits right in with the meme of the day over there. There's even an article by a guy named Palermo that slams her for having the temerity to thank the nearly one million people that came out for her in Florida.What a dirtbag, imagine thanking folks for getting off their...