Ordinary meeting, Tuesday, January 5th, 1864Achievement NeedDecision MakingGoal OrientationLearning MotivationNeed GratificationObjectivesGoal analysis is a procedure useful in helping to describe the meaning of the desired goals; whether these goals deal with attitudes, appreciations, or understandings. ...
15 push presses 115/85 lbs 20 burpees Time cap: 15 min Use your achievement in the pushing challenge to decide on your scaling option for the HSPUs Mobility “Tabata stretching” 2 rounds of 45 sec on, 15 sec off, rotating through: banded front rack stretch, right arm banded front rack...
Don't let fear take over and cause inaction, that would be very cowardly. Be courageous today, look at fear in the eye and shoot it down, don't let it take over, don't let it win.