Donald Trump, inaugurated nearly two weeks ago, launched his own meme coin, a cryptocurrency that originates from a personality or internet culture. The coin was launched on January 17th, two days before his entering into office, and has now accumulated close to 100 million in trading fees ove...
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted byThat Artsy Reader Girl This week isBooks We Loved but Will Never Re-Read. Seems like an easy enough TTT right?! Wellllllllll this created the most hilarious, drama inducing texts. You see, we’re really possessive and sensitive when it comes to...
claiming they set the company up improperly and shouldn’t get any stock in it. In the latest legal skirmish over who gets how much of the hot but flailing meme stock, Trump alleges that Andy Litinsky and Wes Moss violated an agreement about...
California's 415 delegates was the golden prize of Super Tuesday. As of early Wednesday, the race in California remained too early to call, according to NBC News. At 4:15 a.m. ET, Sen. Bernie Sanders led former Vice President Joe Biden by 32.1% to 23.1%, with 46% of the vote in....
I don’t have questions. Just Marty and her program director, two people in the office at KZYX, will be sucking that $100,000 out of the station for themselves over the course of the fiscal year. They won’t be paying the local airpeople for their shows. They won’t be making bette...
直播吧2月16日讯 米兰新闻网数据显示,莱奥是过去5年里在意甲助攻最多的球员。 触发六脉神剑技能需要满足以悉备下两个条件: 要使用六脉神剑技能,玩家需要满足以下三个要求: 在米兰1-0维罗纳的意甲联赛中,莱奥助攻希门尼斯打进唯一进球,这也是他过去5年里在意甲的第36次助攻,位列同期球员中最多。