In 1552 Parish registers of poor were introduced. This meant that there was now an official register of poor in a parish.In 1563 Justices of the Peace were given the power to raise funds to support the poor. Categories were also drawn up for the different types of poor and beggars that ...
Early in his reign Henry introduced the Sumptuary Law which dictated which styles and colors people could wear, depending on their level of society. Poor people dressed plainly. Men wore wool trousers and a simple tunic to just above the knee while women wore a long woollen dress, usually cov...
Though she had access to all of Kimbleton Castle, she remained in a single room, fasting and praying. Though she once said “I would rather be a poor beggar’s wife and be sure of Heaven than queen of all the world,” for the rest of her life, she continued to refer to herself ...
HenryVIIandHisNewHouseTheConsolidationoftheNewMonarchyReformation(HenryVIII)ElizabethITheEnglishRenaissance HenryVIIandHisNewHouse (1485-1603) HenryTudor,whosemotherwasfromafamilyofDukeofLancaster,returnedfromParisandlandedinWales.OnthebattleofBosworth,hedefeatedandkilledRichardIII.Hewascrownedatthe...
可怜的艾丽丝 Poor Alice. 托马斯爵士 Sir Thomas, 你怎么就不能宣誓呢 很多人都已经接受了 Why will you not take the oath? Thousands have. 我相信其中有许多人和你有同样的信仰 Many,I am sure,share your beliefs and your faith. 但没有你的迟疑 And yet,not your scruples. 至于此 一些人可能是为...
愿你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上 Please, lord, forgive thy poor servant, his trespasses against your flock. 上帝啊 求您原谅您可怜的仆人 对您子民所犯的罪过 Mr. aske, my name is richard curwen. 阿斯克先生 我叫理查德·柯文 I am an ordained priest, and I have come to hear your confession. ...
-Alassheisveryunwell. 她的病情不断恶化但始终恳求 Sheissinkingbutalwaysbegs 国王出于怜悯允许她与你会面 theKingofhismercytobeallowedtoseeyou. 我确信陛下有朝一日总会回心转意的 IamsureHisMajestywillonedayrelent. 我相信他仌然爱我关心我 Ibelievethathestilllovesandcaresforme. 我没能为国王生个太子 Iam...
在穷hearts;人hearts;中不停扩散 It spreads among the poor. 那些人认为教会富有 腐hearts;败hearts; 而颓废 Those who see the church as rich and corrupt and decadent. 他们在德国挑起了农民战争 死亡人数超过十万 It has already ignited a peasants war in germany, and killed over 100,000 people. ...
Both rich and poor alike were bound to serve their monarch, failure to do so often resulted in death. The monarch made all the laws of the land and although there was a court system, few judges would dare to pass judgement against the King’s wishes. Until Henry VIII broke away from ...
For these reasons, the king will not forgive you. and neither will god! Your majesty... Ladies... Our father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Please, lord, forgive thy poor servant, his trespasses against ...