The seventh earl’s son died before him and he left a family of daughters so the family had to look back up the family tree for the next earl. Not only that but Elizabeth I didn’t trust the family so far as she could throw them so refused to allow them to travel to their residen...
Family members live in an atmosphere of light and airiness, where every space is harmonious. On the first floor, the library, with its bold navy blue colour, offers an immersive experience. From the ceiling and woodwork to the pedestals and built-in furniture, blue creates a clean, playful...
Some kind of miniature tree is also a nice addition. My favorite is this mini variegated olive. I use Wire Vine over the arbor (left) and Isotoma Laurentia (right) which has tiny little blue flowers. These two plants are great because they often come back after a mild winter. If you ...
Lord Nicholas had his heir–Thomas–who married Elizabeth Cheyne. Upon Thomas and Elizabeth’s marriage in 1523, Elizabeth was formally titledLady Elizabeth VauxorLady Vaux. The family tree of Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard have no such lady with this title.[2][3] ...
I was that taken with these paintings. They were detailed yet not overdone in the foreground and middle ground, and rather abstract when it comes to gestural strokes sketching foliage and land in the distance. But notice how the light hugs the tree trunks (and canopies) in summer, and how...
Wheretheylived Apoorfamily’shousewasusuallyonesmallroomwithaholeinthewallfora window(whichmighthaveaclosingwoodenshutter).Theysleptonstraworstraw-filled mattresseswithonlyablankettokeepthemselveswarm.Furniturewassimple;a woodentable,somestoolsandmaybeonewoodenbed,andaoneormorewooden ...