Tucker Carlson被两位YouTube名人恶作剧,他们声称独家采访了肯辛顿宫数字内容制作人,负责编辑了大量编辑的威尔士王妃凯特·米德尔顿和她的孩子们的母亲节照片。 事情经过:乔希·皮特斯和阿奇·曼纳斯策划了这个恶作剧,他们让卡尔森相信,他们已经得到了采访这名因照片编辑不善而被解雇的不满员工的机会。 据微软全国广播公司报...
byDavidGrouchy This set has accumulated740 pointsbased on views and sharing You like it?Make it famous: (1,478 views) title by - views title by - views
Tucker Carlson Tonight 1/24/24 | Tucker Carlson Tonight January 24, 2024 0 人观看 15 天前,YouTube 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Heart Serb 7,006个粉丝 Tucker Carlson Tonight 1/24/24 :Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now....
Tucker Carlson Calls Out Babylon Bee CEO & Candace Owens Suspended From YouTube! Explained. (九月 9, 2024) Self (archive footage) Daily Wire CEO Jeremy Boreing Takes Super Dumb Veiled Jabs at Tucker Carlson & Candace Owens (四月 21, 2024) Self (archive footage) DDayCobra (2022–2024) ...
in a teaser posted to youtube , carlson is asked by interviewer john heers if he believes that “the presence of evil is kickstarting people to wonder about the good.” the question seemed like a wonderful opening for carlson to explore the questions of evil posed by trump, a man who ...
55 岁的智利裔美国人贡萨洛·利拉 (Gonzalo Lira) 在乌克兰监狱中死亡,他因涉嫌传播俄罗斯宣传并违反保释条件而被监禁在乌克兰。 保守派社交媒体人物塔克·卡尔森 (Tucker Carlson) 在 X(原 Twitter)上发帖称,他是从里拉父亲那里得知里拉去世的消息的。美国国务院一名官员在接受《新闻周刊》采访时证实了“一名美国公...
If using API, add 'verbose': True to YoutubeDL params instead Copy the WHOLE output (starting with [debug] Command-line config) and insert it below Complete Verbose Output $ yt-dlp -vU https://tuckercarlson.com/the-vladimir-putin-interview/ [debug] Command-line config: ['-vU', 'https...
NEW YORK-Tucker Carlson, a popular host of FOX News Channel’s primetime show "Tucker Carlson Tonight," is leaving the cable news network. "FOX News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways," the network wrotein a statement on Monday. "We thank him for his service to the netwo...
Tucker on Twitter: Con Tucker Carlson, Vivek Ramaswamy, Glenn Greenwald, Russell Brand. Tucker Carlson ospita una serie di notizie che include politica, commenti, monologhi e attualità, disponibile prima su X (precedentemente noto come Twitter), poi su
1 人观看 1 个月前,YouTube 5 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Rudov Misha 940个粉丝 Tucker Carlson recently traveled to Russia to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin, and heads in the establishment commentariat predictably exploded. The European Union is threatening to sanction Carlson as a ...