Tuberculosis classification; Vietnamese chest X-ray; deep learning 1 Introduction Nowadays, tuberculosis is still one of the leading public health problems in the world. Significantly, in the COVID-19 pandemic, tuberculosis progress has been majorly impacted. On the one hand, the positive effect...
Although the characteristic presentation of chronic cough, malaise and weight loss, with cavitatory changes in the upper lobes still predominates in the elderly, there has been an increased incidence of cryptic miliary disease in which the onset is insidious and chest X-ray often normal. The ...
Normal 209 (27%) 18 (7%) 191 (37%) .. Abnormal—suggestive of tuberculosis 557 (72%) 240 (93%) 317 (61%) .. Abnormal—other 8 (1%) 0 8 (2%) .. Poor image quality 16 (2%) 4 (2%) 12 (2%) .. Abnormal chest x-ray but no symptoms 369 (48%) 148 (57%) 221 (43%) ...
1). This includes 2 broad clinical datasets (Dataset 1 [DS-1] and ChestX-ray14 [CXR-14], n = 8557 total cases) with 2423 abnormal cases, 2 datasets (TB-1 and TB-2, n = 595 total cases) with 294 TB-positive cases, and 2 datasets (COV-1 and COV-2, n = 2424...
Chest X-ray 182 exams $44,226 CT scan chest 3 exams $1,511 Total: $170,150 Ramping up of the TB control system can be hampered by the absence of categorical TB funding or funding for emergency public health actions. In addition, as TB cases become less common in high-income country...
For instance, a deep learning model can use chest X-ray images to classify conditions such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, or other diseases. This study proposes a solution to diagnose multiple issues using chest radiographic images, employing models like InceptionV3, Xception, and CNN. These models ...
The inclusion criteria for the HCs group were: no history of contact with ATB patients and negative IFN-γ assays, absence of clinical manifestations of TB, normal chest X-ray findings, exclusion of ATB diagnosis, and HIV-negative status. The exclusion criteria were: travel or residency in ...
As a result, in many high TB burden countries, a patient with pneumonia may receive a clinical evaluation and an X-ray, while the evaluation of a patient with TB may be limited to sputum based tests, without a mandated clinical evaluation or an X-ray which would reveal the extent of ...
In the same CDC analysis, pyrazinamide polyresistance was associated with Hispanic ethnicity, Asian race, previous TB diagnosis, and normal chest x-ray and inversely associated with age 45 years and older. Pyrazinamide resistance in multidrug-resistant cases was associated with female sex and previous...
(Muneer et al.2019). Sterile pyuria in urinalysis is the classic finding suggestive of urinary TB; however, it requires confirmation. Beaded images of the ureters in excretory urography and the gallbladder have also been described. Urine smear microscopy is not useful because normal commensal ...