Maiden flight for upgraded Tu-160M bomberGareth Jennings, LondonJane's Defence Weekly
Currently, the VKS operates a fleet of 17 Tu-160s with the 121st Guards Heavy Bomber Regiment at Engels-2 airbase near Saratov. The “Blackjack” first entered service in 1987 with the 184th Regiment in Ukraine, where 19 aircraft were stationed, and which were claimed by Ukraine on the...
图-160轰炸机(俄文:Ту-160,英文:Tu-160,项目编号70,Uзделие «70»,北约代号:Blackjack,译文:海盗旗,又称:图波列夫图-160),是苏联/俄罗斯一型超音速变后掠翼远程战略轰炸机。图-160轰炸机作战方式以高空亚音速巡航、低空亚音速或高空超音速突袭为主,在高空时可发射长程巡航导弹在敌人...