The TU-160 bomber is a variable swept wing supersonic long-range strategic bomber developed by the Tupolev Design Bureau of the USSR, also known as the "White Swan", and is the pride of the Russian Air Force. As one of the world's largest supersonic strategic bombers, it is undoubtedly...
the magnificent Tu-160 bomber, AG1 WING PIVOTS, AG4 PARACHUTE, AG 6-7 COUNTERMESURESSpecifications General Characteristics Created On Windows Wingspan 152.2ft (46.4m) Length 148.5ft (45.3m) Height 35.8ft (10.9m) Empty Weight 114,281lbs (51,837kg) Loaded Weight 183,713lbs (83,331...
仙猫藏图超话Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack - Russian White Swan - Nuclear bomber图波列夫Tu-160“海盗旗”,俄罗斯“白天鹅”核轰炸机———图波列夫Tu-160(俄语:ТуполевТу-160 БелыйЛебедь,罗马字:Belyj Lebeď,即White Swan“白天鹅”;北约报告名称 ...展开全文c ...
俄罗斯白天鹅轰炸机(Russian Tupolev Tu-160 Bomber)是一种超音速战略轰炸机,由苏联在20世纪80年代开发,现在被俄罗斯空军使用。它是目前世界上最大和最强的战略轰炸机之一,也是唯一一种现役的超音速轰炸机。 …
Tu-160 bomber design The bomber’s airframe has a distinctive appearance, with the wing and fuselage gradually integrated into a single-piece configuration. The airframe structure is based on a titanium beam, all-welded torsion box. Throughout the entire airframe, all the main airframe members ar...
[10+] Enhance your desktop with stunning HD wallpapers of the legendary Tupolev Tu-160 bomber. Immerse yourself in the world of aviation and add a touch of elegance to your screen. Filter: All Wallpapers You'll Love: Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress And More!
近日,印度媒体国防视图网站刊登了一篇名为《印度计划从俄罗斯购买装有高超音速导弹的图-160战略轰炸机》/《India planning to purchase Tu-160 strategic bomber with hypersonic missiles from Russia》的文章。国防视图网站表示,俄印轰炸机合同已经进入了谈判的最后阶段,这意味着印度将很快拥有自己的战略轰炸机。并且...
The Tu-160 bomber is powered by four augmented turbofanengines arranged in two engine nacelles andprovided with variable vertical wedge air intakes.The bomber is equipped with an in-flight refueling systemprovided with an extendible refueling probearranged in the nose fuselage in front of the ...