3 Doors Down的when i'm gone 不确定啊~~~耳机坏了,听不到,你试一试吧```
哆哥Ruai妹|当奶茶撞上咖啡!今日灵感是!新买的#雀巢特调奶茶咖啡# 我是奶茶,你是咖啡我们合在一起——“怦~”💓 @雀巢中国 ,来自哆哥&Ruai妹对奶茶咖啡的心动biubiu,接收到了吗?#哆哥ruai妹的日常##画手赋...
哆哥Ruai第三套表情包!全套24款!快去用用看吧! #插画[超话]##情侣头像[超话]##哆哥ruai妹的日常##表情包##情侣##原创##每日一画[超话]##治愈系##表情包[超话]##哆哥Ruai妹的日常[超话]#
Ah! Che ruaia, cha iumu yurará iqué catu, u raçu ce rihiua, cuêre yapumi. Ele então chamou pelo cunhado. Aé u ana u cenõe çuaiara. 例子 干 Advanced filtering SubcorpusALLGENERALBOOKSNEWSMEDICINERELIGIONTECHNICALLAWINFORMAL ...
Alexander Alar,Schtu,Alexey Union,Memfisa,Sven Tasnadi,Sergio Vilas,Faucon,Wasp,Jasmin Blust,Vinnie Ace,Roman Garnet,AridØo,RUAI,Hole Box,JP Lantieri,The Pink Cow Voltaire Music $8.99 Notes & Harmonies Vol. 21 Notes & Harmonies Vol. 21 ...
在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“scare"翻译成 Nhengatu 变形干 131- When he grabbed the fish's tail to drag it, the fish's skin burst; When it burst, it made a loud noise and strong wind thatscaredaway all the animals. 131 - Maeramé opysyka pirá ruaia resé oseky arama opúka i pirer...
131 - Maeramé opysyka pirá ruaia resé oseky arama opúka i pirera, maeramé opúka omunhan tyapu uasu yuytu kyrymbau irumo uá omukanhymo upāe suuetá. Jodevan Tupinambá 118– They all fell into the river, to grab the boy. 118- Upanhe aetá oare paranáme opỹsyka arama...
添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Fishes"翻译成 Nhengatu 变形 干 131- When he grabbed the fish's tail to drag it, the fish's skin burst; When it burst, it made a loud noise and strong wind that scared away all the animals. 131 - Maeramé opysyka pirá ruaia resé oseky ...
Khawi hmunah pawh awmin, kaihruaitute emaw, nihna chelhtute emaw chu a tu pawh ni se, chûng dân phal pâwlte chu theocratic hmanga kaihhruai a ni a, Governing Body hmanrua mai a ni. No matter where they are located or who serve as directors or officers, these entities ...