德累斯顿工业大学(英语:Dresden University of Technology;德语:Technische Universität Dresden,缩写:TU Dresden或TUD)位于萨克森自由州首府-德累斯顿,是该州最大的学府,同时也是德国乃至欧洲历史最悠久的工科大学之一。 展开全文 校园设施 校园位置 urban 地理位置 ...
The buildings on the university’s main campus, just south of Dresden’s city centre, date from three distinct periods. The architect Martin Dülfer designed the earliest buildings while, following the destruction of Dresden in Allied bombing raids, Hermann Glöckner did much to contribute to the...
Excellenceis understood and practised in Dresden as an opportunity for the entire university, and in this spirit, TU Dresden takes those measures that lead to excellence – by the university, for the university – in cooperation with colleagues here and all over the world. But at the same time...
Campus Navigator TU Dresden (27 个字符) 关键词(KeyWords)一般不超过100个字符 (0 个字符) 描述(Description)一般不超过200个字符 (0 个字符) 相关子域名 共有6个与navigator.tu-dresden.de 相关的子域名 tu-dresden.de www.tu-dresden.de cfaed.tu-dresden.de dcms.tu-dresden.de vmv2021.inf.tu-...