相关往期岗位制博士PhD Position机会 TU Delft岗位制博士机会:通过数据科学和优化推进多式联运和自动化城...
物理增强型机器学习在提高铁路基础设施韧性中的应用代尔夫特理工大学 TU Delft 本文中更为详细的职位介绍、申请方式、申请注意事项及其他相关机会,请文末、小窗联系小助手v:TaichiVVV。有意向将读博变成一项工作的小伙伴请积极关注本号。 职位描述 有弹性的铁路基础设施对于确保安全、可靠和可持续的运输服务至关重要。
“AI4SE is a big new chapter for us at JetBrains Research. We are excited to be working shoulder to shoulder with the talented scientists and students of TU Delft. We are looking forward to making AI4SE a fruitful collaboration with long-term impact far beyond JetBrains and the research comm...
educational quality cycle is of a high quality and carried out effectively with the students and ...
The faculty offers a recently renewed minor in the third bachelor year for non-computer science students of Delft University of Technology in the area of Software Design & Data Science. Through its participation in EdX, the faculty offers a series of highly successful computer science MOOCs. All...
不确定性条件下的可解释强化学习在维护规划中的应用@TU Delft▷▷▷ 本文中更为详细的职位介绍、申请方式、申请注意事项及其他相关机会,请文末、小窗联系小助手:TaichiVVV(大可Offer团队)。有意向将读博变成一…
本次发布的职位包括德国慕尼黑工业大学(TUM)、卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT),荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(TU Delft)、阿姆斯特丹大学(UvA) 职位包括:人工智能、机器人领域、自动驾驶、编程语言、材料、环保电池、信…