●Integrated Product Design ●Management of Technology ●Strategic Product Design 其他热门专业也秉承招满即止的原则,截止到3月底已经招满的专业有: ●Robotics ●Mechanical Engineering 部分专业比如Aerospace Engineering、Computer & Embedded Systems E...
●Integrated Product Design ●Management of Technology ●Strategic Product Design 其他热门专业也秉承招满即止的原则,截止到3月底已经招满的专业有: ●Robotics ●Mechanical Engineering 部分专业比如Aerospace Engineering、Computer & Embedded Systems Engineering、Computer Science有GRE的强制要求。所以非常有必要提早进行...
Sustainable Energy Technology 可持续能源技术硕士(Jointly offered by Eindhoven University of Technology, the University of Twente and Delft University of Technology) 2 该学院适合中国学生的奖学金信息: 1. TU Delft Excellence Scholarship 针对入学成绩为前5-10% 且硕士为以下专业的学生: Applied Physics Chemi...
Management of Technology技术管理硕士 Strategic Product Design战略产品设计硕士 Sustainable Energy Technology可持续能源技术硕士 ◆ 学费:19600欧元/年,但有个别的课程学费是不同的,见课程后面的标注;申请费100欧元 Faculty of Aerospace Eng...
MSc Management of Technology 技术管理理学硕士 MSc Strategic Product Design 战略产品设计理学硕士 学术要求 1.大学本科,相关专业背景。国内本科要求为双一流大学,CGPA不低于80%。 2.部分硕士项目申请要求提供GRE成绩、数字作品集,具体详见下方相应模块描述。
Delft University of Technology代尔夫特理工大学 荷兰著名理工大学,欧洲理工院校”IDEA“ 联盟中的D,世界百强名校之一,被誉为”欧洲麻省理工“,其专业几乎涵盖了所有的工程科学领域。而且只有八大院系,基本上都是理工科,我想这也是其综合排名一直徘徊在50-100的原因。
建筑环境管理(Management in the Built Environment)建筑技术(Building Technology)前三个专业与国内本科...
代尔夫特理工大学(Delft University of Technology)位于荷兰代尔夫特市,是荷兰历史最悠久、规模最大、...
TU Delft Career Centre works with students, PhDs, PDEngs and young alumni to help them build their employability and career management skills by providing a range of careers workshops, programs and resources. In addition, we work closely with employers, professional organisations and alumni to crea...