TU Darmstadt 数据集(原ETHZ 数据库)(The TU Darmstadt Database (formerly the ETHZ Database)) 数据介绍: The original ground truth data provided by the authors is given in terms of bounding boxes for the motorbikes and pixel segmentation masks for the cows and the cars The original segmentation ...
TU Darmstadt 数据集(原ETHZ 数据库)(The TU Darmstadt Database (formerly the ETHZ Database)) 数据介绍: The original ground truth data provided by the authors is given in terms of bounding boxes for the motorbikes and pixel segmentation masks for the cows and the cars The original segmentation ...
TUDarmstadt数据集(原ETHZ数据库)(TheTU DarmstadtDatabase(formerlytheETHZDatabase)) 数据介绍: Theoriginalgroundtruthdataprovidedbytheauthorsisgivenin termsofboundingboxesforthemotorbikesandpixelsegmentation masksforthecowsandthecars Theoriginalsegmentationmasks,whicharenon-binaryRGBtriplets, ...
1997年10月1日,达姆施塔特工业大学的德文名称Technische HochschuleDarmstadt正式更改为Technische Universität Darmstadt 并一直沿用至今。2005年1月1日,TUD 法 (TUD Law)的正式颁布使得达姆施塔特工业大学成为德国一个具有自治权的公立大学。就此,新的大学管理结构开始实施,大学可以自主支配其预算并管理不动产,大学亦可以...
In Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, 18–21 April 2017; Flohrer, T., Schmitz, F., Eds.; ESA Space Debris Office: Darmstadt, Germany, 2017. 61. Becker, M.; Stoll, E.; Retat, I. Approaches and models for flexible tether connections in ...
Thermal comfort in summer - results from the energy monitoring of an office building refurbished with Passive House components In 2011 the Institute for Housing and Environment moved to a new domicile in Darmstadt, the so called IWU-house. Before-and, the administration building bu... B Bagheria...