TU Berlin is a member of TU9, which is the alliance of nine of the largest and most notable German institutes of technology. This membership allows for student exchanges between many of the engineering schools. The university’s academic activities are focused on achieving four sharply-defined goa...
.MIThas made the list with two programs, one focused on urbanism and the other on design. Moreover,Tsinghua Universityin Beijing, China, made the list with their English Program for Master inArchitecture. The ranking also features TUDelft (Netherlands),TUM(Munich), and TUBerlin (Berlin) in ...
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.MIThas made the list with two programs, one focused on urbanism and the other on design. Moreover,Tsinghua Universityin Beijing, China, made the list with their English Program for Master inArchitecture. The ranking also features TUDelft (Netherlands),TUM(Munich), and TUBerlin (Berlin) in ...