柏林工业大学(德语:Technische Universität Berlin, TU Berlin),也叫“柏林理工大学”、“柏林科技大学”,是柏林大学联盟的成员之一,也是柏林州唯一一所理工科大学。该校约有35,470名注册学生(2022/23年冬季学期),并设立100多个专业。TU Berlin的创办时间最早可追溯至1770年,是第一所采用“Technische Universität...
tubCloud has built-in support for basic text editing features. However, for a more comprehensive online collaborative experience similar to Google Docs or Office 365, TU Berlin has integrated OnlyOffice and Collabora Productivity into tubCloud to provide their users with a robust online collaborative ...
Microsoft.office.mhtexport.dll.deploy_1033 Microsoft.office.mhtexport.dll.deploy_1033 16.0.10383.20001 29,112 11-Jan-2022 07:22 Microsoft.performancepoint.scorecards.client.dll.deploy_1033 Microsoft.performancepoint.scorecards.client.dll.deploy_1033 16.0...
Selles artiklis kirjeldatakse värskendust 4464553 Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise Server 2016, mis anti välja 13 August 2019. Täiendused ja parandused See värskendus parandab tõlked saksakeelse SharePoint Server 2016. See värskendus lahendab pro...
To apply this update, you must have Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 installed. Restart information You may have to restart the computer after you install this update. References Learn about theterminologythat Microsoft uses to describe software updates. TheOffice System...
Download Center This update is available only for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center. Download update 5001974 for 64-bit version of SharePoint Server 2019 Language Pack Virus-scan claim Microsoft scanned this file for viru...
To apply this update, you must have Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 installed. Restart information You may have to restart the computer after you install this update. References Learn about the terminology that Microsoft uses to describe software updates. The Office Syste...
Selles artiklis kirjeldatakse Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise Server 2016, mis anti välja 14 jaanuaril 2020 4484220 värskendus. Parandusi ja parandusi See värskendus parandab tõlked mitu SharePoint Server 2016 keelte versioonid. Kuidas alla laadid...
Lisateave terminoloogia kohta, mida Microsoft kasutab tarkvaravärskenduste iseloomustamiseks. Office'i süsteemi Tehnokeskus sisaldab uusimaid administratiivseid värskendusi ja strateegilisi juurutamise vahendeid kõigi Office'i versioonide jaoks. Failiteave ...
The Office System TechCenter contains the latest administrative updates and strategic deployment resources for all versions of Office. File information x64 coreserver-x-none.msp file information File identifier File name File version File size Date Time Berlinmb.mast Berl...