What Does TTYTT Mean in a Text? home▸search t▸TTYTT The Quick Answer TTYTT means "To Tell You The Truth." More Observations... It is similar TBH (To Be Honest), but is far less common. TTYTT is typically used as a caveat to protect the author from an overly candid ...
In unix circles,shellhas specialized to mean acommand-line shell, centered around entering the name of the application one wants to start, followed by the names of files or other objects that the application should act on, and pressing the Enter key. Other types of environments don't use th...
In unix circles,shellhas specialized to mean acommand-line shell, centered around entering the name of the application one wants to start, followed by the names of files or other objects that the application should act on, and pressing the Enter key. Other types of environments don't use th...
TTY stands forText Telephone. It is also sometimes called a TDD, or Telecommunication Device for the Deaf. ... As you type, the message is sent over the phone line, just like your voice would be sent over the phone line if you talked. You can read the other person's response on the...
What does device protection mean? How does Doze mode in Android 6.0 save battery power? How does App standby in Android 6.0 save battery power? In Settings, what is Battery optimization used for? Why is my phone talking to me? How do I turn this off? How can I turn TalkBack ...
I f that does n't mean much to you ( it's not th e kin d of phon e you s e e advertis e d on television) , all y ou n e e d to know is that it's a small , not very heavy devic e with which you can sen d an d rece iv e telephon e calls an d tert messages...
Teletypewriter (TTY) mode TTY mode allows people who have hearing or speech impediments to communicate by telephone.is compatible with select TTY phones. Contact your TTY phone manufacturer to see if the phone supports digital wireless transmission....
prompt.suggest("sta", ["stage", "stash", "commit", "branch"]) # => # Did you mean one of these? # stage # stashTo customize query text presented pass :single_text and :plural_text options to respectively change the message when one match is found or many....
prompt.suggest("sta", ["stage", "stash", "commit", "branch"]) # => # Did you mean one of these? # stage # stashTo customize query text presented pass :single_text and :plural_text options to respectively change the message when one match is found or many....
What do different exit codes mean? 0 :standard input is a terminal 1: standard input is not a terminal Identify tty version Using–versionoption along with tty command gives the version of tty you are using. 1 $tty--version Output : ...